Gillespie CUSD 7 is a 1:1 District utilizing the latest in technology in partnership with Microsoft with it's powerful Windows 10 and Office 365 suite of software. Windows 10 allows out students to get the absolute best in hands on with the most popular operating system in the US, preparing them for whatever they do after graduation. The Office 365 suite of productivity software will also help prepare our students for anything they decide to do outside of our District.
4th and 5th Grade have been utilizing this technology for a year now and we have jump started the 6th through 12th grade program this year due to the recent COVID 19 E Learning situation. We all strive to give our students the absolute best experience possible here at CUSD7 and we work together from the Board of Directors to the staff to make the best decision possible in regard to technology.
Below you will find some links to some great information to help you get started.
The District is utilizing the Microsoft Office 365 platform for the majority of communication and school work. The District provided laptops will already have this software suite installed and it can also be accessed by visiting the District Website at and click on the Office 365 logo from the main page, you can also use the link below as well.
Welcome to the CUSD 7 Technology Department information page. We are here to help you all with the advancement of technology here at CUSD7. We realize that this is a major change for everyone involved and there will certainly be questions and issues that will arise from taking on a project of this magnitude, however if we all take our time, go at our own pace and communicate we can get through this.
We ask that anyone with issues please email and we will help you as best we can.
I encourage everyone to "like" and "share" the CUSD 7 Technology Department Facebook Page to get all of the latest information and training assistance. Click here to visit that page now. I encourage staff, parents & students to follow the Facebook page for training, assistance and help regarding the system.
Resources for Staff
We are here to help, email us at or click the link below, make sure you follow the Tech Dept. on Facebook @cusd7tech