Timothy Biggs
GHS – Graphic Communications, Computer Gaming, Business Technology Concepts, Marketing
GMS – Computers/Encore
Cory Bonstead
HS Special Education Resource Teacher
Head Varsity Football Coach
Nikki Brawner
Art Exploration, Painting, Sculpture, Drawing, 2D and 3D Art, Studio Art
GMS Girls Basketball Coach
GHS Girls Basketball Coach
GMS Track Coach
Korben Clark
Physical Science, Environmental Science, Earth Science, Space Biology
Katherine Prange
Accounting, Holocaust, English II, English II Honors, English IV Honors
Stuart Ringer
High School Business Technology Concepts, Personal Finance, Introduction to Business
Middle School Computers/Encore
Casey Sholtis
Dean of Students
HS/MS Dean of Students
GHS Boys Basketball Head Coach
GHS Golf Coach
Samantha Sinclair
SMASE Behavior & Transition Specialist
Behavior & Transition Specialist
Jeremy Smith
Athletic Director
High School Athletic Director
Middle School 8th Grade Social Studies/Encore
Michelle Smith
Biology, Advanced Biology, Anatomy/Physiology
GHS Head Softball Coach, GMS Head Softball Coach
Kayla Wills
Introduction to Agriculture, Horticulture Science, Horticulture Production Management, Agriculture Mechanics, Agriculture Business, Agriculture Science